Работа воспитанников Изобильненского социально-реабилитационного центра для несовершеннолетних «Казачка-станичница» заняла третье место на X Всероссийском конкурсе «Туристический сувенир», сообщили в министерстве труда и социальной защиты населения Ставрополья
The main idea of the text is that a textile doll made by children from the "Kazachka-stanitsnica" social-rehabilitation center in Stavropole won third place in the X All-Russian "Tourist Souvenir" competition.
The doll, dressed in traditional Kazakh clothing, holds cultural significance as the intricate decorations on its sleeves, collar, and hem were believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits.
The main idea of the text is that a textile doll made by children from the "Kazachka-stanitsnica" social-rehabilitation center in Stavropole won third place in the X All-Russian "Tourist Souvenir" competition. The doll, dressed in traditional Kazakh clothing, holds cultural significance as the intricate decorations on its sleeves, collar, and hem were believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits.